Professor in Sociology of  Culture, Sport and Community

Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Crete,
Gallos Campus
74100 Rethymno Greece
Tel.+302831077495, 6978413095
Fax: +302831077467
e-mail:zaimakis at
Office hours: to be announce with the beginning of the teaching classes


1996 Ph.D. in Psychology, (Thesis: Urban area and cultural differentiation: the social world of brothels of Lakkos and the poetics of maghia), Department of Psychology, Panteion University.

1991 BSc, Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Social Science

1986 BSc, Department of Social Work, Technological Institute of Crete

Research Interests

Music, politics and social movements: Popular culture and rebetika, Sociology of Leisure and youth culture, Social and Cultural History of Prostitution, Social History of Sport and fandom culture, Locality, Social economy, Community Work and Social Work, Urban Transformation, Social and Cultural change, Urban Landscapes, Street Art and Graffiti

Teaching Appointment

Present Appointment

2016- Professor in Sociology of Local Society and Culture, University of Crete, Department of Sociology

Previous Appointment

2017-2020 Tutor in the post-graduate program Sport Studies: Sociology, History and Anthropology, Hellenic Open University

2011-2016 Associate Professor, University of Crete, Department of Sociology

2012-2016 Tutor in Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities, Greek Culture Studies program

2004-2010 Assistant Professor in Sociology of local societies and culture, University of Crete, Department of Sociology

1999-2003 Lecturer in Social and Community Work, University of Thrace, Department of Social Administration

2004-2012 Tutor at Technological Institute of Crete, Department of Social Work

1993-1998 Tutor at Technological Institute of Crete, Department of Social Work

Selected Publications
–  (eds. R. Campos, Y. Zaimakis & A. Pavoni A. Political Graffiti in Critical Times: The Aesthetics of Street Politics, New York-Oxford: Berghahn. Forthcoming Feb. 2021.
2020 “Sport sociability, adventure and competitions’ the Zimmelian sociology of the senses in the sport study”, Dokimes 23-24: 263-288. (, In Greek.
2019 «The Cretan Muslims and their Music Traditions: Paths of memory and oblivion from Crete to Turkey” Proceeding of 12th Congress of Cretan Studies, Association of Historical Cretan Studies, 1-12 [21-25-9-2016], 2019, In Greek. 1-12. (
2018 “Football fan culture and politics in modern Greece: the process of fandom radicalization during the austerity era”, Soccer & Society, 19 (2): 252-270 (
2018 “Autonomy, degrowth and prefigurative politics: Voices of solidarity economy activists amid economic crisis in Greece” PACO PArtecipazione e COnflitto 11 (1), 2018, 95-120 (
2018 Research paths in Social Sciences: Theoretical and methodological Contributions and case studies, Herakleion, University of Crete, Social Analysis and Applied Social Research. (In Greek)
2018 “Ideoscapes, associations and ambivalences of social and solidarity economy in Crete”. In, Μ. Samatas, D. Milonakis, Μ. Dafermos and A. Kastelakis (eds.), Crete in the 21th Century, Athens, Pedio, 227-246 (
2018 «Youth, collective memory and fandom in Greece during the period of democracy restoration». In Κ. Κatsapis (ed.) The undisciplined: texts for the history of the youth during post war period, Athens, Okto, 2018, 39-72. In Greek. (
2016 “Youth precariat worlds and protest graffiti in the dystopia of the Greek economic crisis: a cross-disciplinary perspective”, Punctum International Journal of Semiotics 2 (2), 66-84.
2016 “Cultural imperialism and sport in the Eastern Mediterranean and Crete: the role of British forces 1880-1912” (with Peter Ben), Cretica Chronika XXXVI, 183-206.
2015 Sport and Greek Society in Greece: Sociological, Anthropological and Historical perspectives, (co-editing with E. Fournaraki) Athens, Alexandria ( (In Greek)
2015 “‘Welcome to the civilization of fear’: On political graffiti heterotopias in Greece in times of crisis”, Visual Communication 13 (4): 373-396.
2015 “The flexibilisation of work and the new precariat in the context of flexible capitalism, The World of Labour, 1: 27-42. ( In Greek
2015 Voices of protest on the streets of cities. Perceptions of crisis through the expressive-existential graffiti, Sociological Review 2-3, 119-143 In Greek ( In Greek
2013 Football and fan communities: contestations and politics of identity, Athens: Plethron, (editor along with Nikos Kotaridis) ( In Greek.
2011 Community work and local societies: development, collective action and multiculturalism, Plethron. Second enriched edition (first edition Ellininka Grammata, 2002). ( In Greek.
2011 “Music-making in the social world of a Cretan town (Heraklion 1900-1960): a contribution to the study of non-commercial oral rebetika”, Popular Music 30 (1): 1-24, 2011.
2010 “The ‘forbidden fruits’ and the communist paradise: Marxism, rebetiko and the “purity” of popular song», Music and Politics 4 (1): 1-22
2009 “Bawdy Songs and Virtuous politics’: Ambivalence and Controversy in the Discourse of the Greek Left on rebetiko”, History and Anthropology 20(1): 15-36.
2008 “Flourished dens”: Deviation, cultural creation, anonymous rebetiko in Lakkos of Heraclion (1900-1940), Athens: Plethron, [first edition 1999]. ( In Greek.
2005 “Social protection networks: interventions in vulnerable groups and multicultural communities, (edited with A. Kandylaki). Athens, Kritiki. ( (In Greek).